Preparing yourself, your home for a visit by the grandchildren by Sandra Aris
- Create a play-safe area
Kids are notorious for laying their toys around the house and playing in whatever room or area they’re interested in at the moment. They may start off in the living room but can easily move their next set of toys to the bathroom or even the garage. By designating one room or area in the house as their playroom can keep their toys organized, minimize safety risks and give them a structured environment to play in and you will feel like your place is under control.
- Be ready for medical emergencies
First aid kits can come in handy and having a car seat ready inside your vehicle for potential hospital visits is important, especially with rambunctious toddlers and babies. Whether they need a bandage when they fall and cut their hand, an EpiPen for allergic reactions, or break their arm and have to go to the emergency room. Preparing for medical emergencies can seem tedious, but it’s important to be ready and have a plan to expect the unexpected.
- Protect them with clothes
For grandchildren that are just learning to walk or crawl, comfortable clothing that can help maintain their balance and protect them from the inevitable falls is important for both them and you. Shoes with a sturdy sole can not only protect the bottom of their feet but stop them from wobbling, and pants that can protect the high-injury zones on their body (knees and butt) can help them get back up. Sandra Aris creates stylish, innovative pants for children using the same 3D padded technology found in motocross, motorbike and ski apparel to let kids run, crawl and play without getting hurt.
- Go grocery shopping
For kids eating solid foods an extra trip to the grocery store is a necessity when you’re expecting them. Portioned snacks such as bags of goldfish, gogurts, string cheese and chips ahoy can be good treats while apple slices, baby carrots and pretzels are healthy alternatives. Having a variety of snacks is important to give kids options and keep their bellies full.
- Prepare for tiny hands and feet
Your empty nester home is probably filled with convenient spaces to reach your medications, knives, glasses and more. But for curious and tiny hands and feet, setting items on easy to reach places is dangerous. Kids are prone to grab anything near them to play with, throw, eat, etc. Ensure that everything on countertops and tables is either put away or out of reach.

By Sandra Aris
First published: New Horizons